Top 10 Things You Can Do to Make Your Maid Happier in Dubai

1 year ago

Dubai is an exciting city with so much happening all the time! And in the middle of this constant movement, domestic workers play an important role in helping our homes run smoothly. These hardworking people often come from far away, leaving their families behind to make our lives easier. So, how can we make them feel happier and more at ease in their work and our homes? Here are 10 simple things we can do every day to make a big difference:

  1. Respect their Rights:
    The cornerstone of any healthy work relationship, respect for your maid’s legal rights, as specified by the UAE Federal Law No. 10 of 2017 on Domestic Workers, is imperative. This includes offering a fair wage, appropriate housing, and timely breaks. By recognizing these rights, you honor their profession and personhood.

  2. Establish Open Communication:
    A key ingredient for trust and understanding is open and honest communication. By making a conscious effort to discuss any issues or concerns, a positive work environment is cultivated, leading to easier resolution of any potential disputes.

  3. Express Your Appreciation:
    Never underestimate the power of a heartfelt “thank you”. Recognition for hard work and efforts goes a long way in boosting morale and making your domestic worker feel valued.

  4. Time Off for Rest and Recuperation:
    Every person deserves time to rest and recharge, and your maid is no exception. Whether it’s a day off per week or longer breaks as per the employment contract, such time off ensures they can perform at their best when on duty.

  5. Comfortable Living Conditions:
    A private, ventilated room with proper lighting, a bed, locker for personal items, and a window is not just a requirement – it’s a respect for their personal space and privacy.

  6. Encourage Personal Interests:
    If your maid has hobbies or interests, encourage an environment where they can pursue them. Be it watching TV or internet usage during their time off, it allows them to relax and pursue personal growth.

  7. Involve Them in Decision-Making:
    Encouraging your maid’s input in decisions regarding their work and living arrangements creates a sense of value and inclusivity, making them feel part of your home.

  8. Provide Support:
    Life presents its challenges to us all. If your maid faces any personal or work-related issues, extend your support and assistance, ensuring they feel secure and looked after.

  9. Foster a Positive Work Environment:
    Providing a clean and organized workspace, setting clear expectations, and providing constructive feedback creates a respectful and positive work environment.

  10. Help Them Stay Connected with Home:
    Distance from home and family can be tough. Helping them to stay connected through phone calls, video chats, or even sending care packages can significantly boost their spirits.

By doing these small things, you can make your maid’s time in Dubai a lot happier. It’s not just about making them more comfortable, it’s also about showing respect and appreciation for the hard work they do.

And to make sure everything’s going well, here are 10 questions you could ask your Maid:

  • How are you today?
  • Are you okay with your tasks?
  • Can I help you in any way?
  • Is there anything you’d like to talk about?
  • Do you have everything you need for your work?
  • Is your room okay, or can we make it better?
  • Are you enjoying your free time?
  • Are you okay with how things are going?
  • Do you need help contacting your family?
  • Is there anything else we can do to make things better for you?

Remember, communication is key to a happier, healthier relationship with your Maid. Don’t hesitate to ask these questions and show your genuine interest in their well-being.

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