Can I Hire a Maid Without an Agency in Dubai?

1 year ago

Hiring a maid without going through an agency in Dubai is possible, but it is important to understand the laws and regulations governing the hiring of domestic workers in the city.

According to the Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratization (MOHRE), all domestic workers in Dubai must be 18 years of age or older and must have a valid work permit. It is illegal to hire a domestic worker who does not have a work permit, and employers who violate this law can face fines and other penalties.

To obtain a work permit for a domestic worker, the employer must first submit an application to the MOHRE. This application must include the domestic worker’s passport and other identification documents, as well as a signed work contract that outlines the terms of employment. Once the application is approved, the MOHRE will issue a work permit for the domestic worker.

It is important to note that the MOHRE requires all domestic workers to have a valid work permit and a signed work contract in order to protect the rights of both the employer and the domestic worker. Without a work permit and a signed contract, the domestic worker may not have legal protection in case of a dispute, and the employer may face fines and other penalties.

In addition to obtaining a work permit, it is also important to follow all other laws and regulations governing the hiring of domestic workers in Dubai. This includes providing the domestic worker with appropriate living and working conditions, paying their salary on time, and respecting their rights and freedoms.

In conclusion, while it is possible to hire a maid without going through an agency in Dubai, it is important to understand and follow all laws and regulations governing the hiring of domestic workers in the city. But it is a really daunting and time-consuming process; you have to visit several government agencies and need to have enough knowledge for the entire process.

We always advise hiring a maid through a Tadbeer-authorized agency as it is less time-consuming and has fewer liabilities, all while being direct and convenient.

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